ISO 9001 Course

Course Title

Module 1: Quality Management System ISO 9001 – 2015 requirements and

Credit Hours / Course Duration

3 Days / 18 credit hours

Aim of this Course

This course aims to help organizations comply with the ISO 9001:2015 re-
quirements. It ensures that delegates attending the training understand and
are able to interpret the basics of the standard.
It also helps to make personnel aware of the importance of their roles in the
organization and assists them to achieve and exceed customer satisfaction.
It help trainee to understanding the Business Risk Assessment

Prior Knowledge for this course:

Trainee general knowledge about Management systems requirements

Course Introduction

Organizations all over the world have realized the benefits of implementing
and maintaining quality Management systems based on the ISO 9000 series
of standards, since it improves the efficiency And effectiveness of an organi-
zation’s operation. It provides consistency in the quality of a product and/or
service. It also drives an organization to meet and exceed customer expecta-
tions, leading to An increase in market and shareholder value.


Trainee that a ended more than
75% of the training dura on and
pass the final exam would re-
ceive a endance cer ficate from

Trainee assessment:

To receive the a endance cer-
ficate your a endance rate
shouldn’t be lower than 75%
and you should fluffy the oral
and wri en quiz at the end of
the training course

Participant would learn:

· The benefits of a Quality Management System
· Why customer focus in important
· Quality Policy – What it is and why have one
· Quality Objec ves – What they are and why have
· Business Risk assessment and How Apply
· Preven ve Ac on Basics
· Correc ve ac on system basics
· Evalua on of organiza on performance
• What to expect of internal and external audits
• High level requirements of ISO 9001:
• Management Responsibility – according to ISO 9001
• Management commitment – what it should look like
• Strategies for se ng quality objec ves
• Implementa on strategies
• what an effec ve correc ve ac on system should look lik

Training material

Every Trainee would receive training guide for
the course
Our training material are designed around a
clearly structured learning process with: Theory.
Examples (scenarios, case studies etc). Prac ce
(ac vi es, case studies, progress tests etc). Feed-
back/self assessment on ac vi es and tests
where relevant, to ensure students can self as-
sess their understanding and achievement of the
learning objec ves and iden fy any areas requir-
ing further work.

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