we have Sufficient knowledge in your business industry’s through professional network of professional auditors and Technical Expert cover all the following industry’s
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Mining and quarrying
- Food products, beverages and tobacco
- Textiles and textile products
- Leather and leather products
- Wood and wood products
- Pulp, paper and paper products
- Printing companies
- Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
- Nuclear fuel
- Chemicals, chemical products and fibers
- Pharmaceuticals
- Rubber and plastic products
- Non-metallic mineral products
- Concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc
- Basic metals and fabricated metal products
- Machinery and equipment
- Electrical and optical equipment
- Shipbuilding
- Aerospace
- Other transport equipment
- Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
- Recycling
- Electricity supply
- Gas supply
- Water supply
- Construction
- Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and
- personal and household goods
- Hotels and restaurants
- Transport, storage and communication
- Financial intermediation, real estate, renting
- Information technology
- Engineering services
- Other services
- Public Administration
- Education
- Health and social work
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